
C++ for .NET Developers

C++ is making a comeback as a prime language for business developers. Whether it is Windows 8 Style UIs, or other platforms, C++ is gaining in importance again. And fear not: C++ is not your father's C++ anymore and probably much more enjoyable and productive to program than you might think. Attend this 2-day class geared towards developers who are already familiar with languages such as C# or VB or even Java, and get up and running with C++ in much less time than you would have previously thought possible!

This event took place on Tuesday, October 23, 2012.

Where:   Onsite at CODE Training Center (6605 Cypresswood Dr. Suite 300, Spring, TX 77379) or remotely via GoToMeeting

When:    Oct 23 & 24, 2012 (Tuesday & Wednesday)

Desc:      An in-depth lecture style training to educate attendees about productively building business applications with C++

C++ is making a comeback as a prime language for business developers. Whether it
is Windows 8 Metro, or other platforms, C++ is gaining in importance again. And
fear not: C++ is not your father's C++ anymore and probably much more enjoyable
and productive to program than you might think. Attend this 2-day class geared
towards developers who are already familiar with languages such as C# or VB or
even Java, and get up and running with C++ in much less time than you would have
previously thought possible! Attendees of this class will get an introduction to
C++ from the ground up, starting with language concepts and syntax. The class
takes a close look at C++ paradigms as well as tools and libraries commonly
used. In particular, this class uses Visual Studio to develop C++ (however, the
core concepts are also applicable to other environments and compilers).The class
then proceeds to demonstrate the use of C++ in modern business applications. One
of the example environments used is Windows 8 and its new Metro environment,
which treats C++ as a prime citizen for building highly responsive and polished
business applications.

The training class will be held at our offices in Houston, Texas as well as online via GoToMeeting. After the class, attendees will receive the PowerPoint slides, the code samples and videos of each class as reference materials.

Day 1

9:00 – 10:00 Introduction to Modern Development with C++
This session takes a look at modern C++ development and it's role as a language for business applications. This session explores where to use C++ and when to look elsewhere. It also takes a look at many of the preconceived notions that come with C++ and what the facts are at this point.
10:00 – 10:15 BREAK
10:15 – 12:00 C++ the Language – Part 1
This session introduces the C++ language and all its concepts, such as syntax, data types, control of flow, classes, objects, and so forth.
12:00 – 13:30 LUNCH BREAK
13:30 – 15:00 C++ the Language – Part 2
Continuation of the prior session.
15:00 – 15:15 BREAK
15:15 – 16:30 The "Scary Bits" of C++
C++ is a language that has people shaking in their boots. People shudder when they think of concepts such as pointers and inheritance and casting and memory management, and so forth. But these things aren't as scary as they used to be. This session is designed to clear away the myths about the scarier aspects and turn the more advanced parts of the language into a much more approachable subject.
16:30 – 17:00 Ask the Experts - Q&A

Day 2

9:00 – 10:15 C++ Advanced Topics
This session is a continuation of our investigation of fundamental language concepts from the prior day. In particular, this session looks as things such as the Standard Library, exceptions, lambdas, and more.
10:15 – 10:30 BREAK
10:30 – 12:00 C++ Odds and Ends
This session wraps up some odds and ends by looking at concepts such as using and understanding older C++ code. This session also shows how to call C++ code from Managed Code (C#). Furthermore, this session takes a very brief role at C++ and its relationship with COM.
12:00 – 13:30 LUNCH BREAK
13:30 – 14:45 Building an App with C++: Windows 8 Metro
This session shows how to build a small sample application that demonstrates a real-world scenario. Our example is based on a technology that drives many people's renewed interest in C++: Windows 8 Metro.
14:45 – 15:00 BREAK
15:00 – 16:30 Building an App with C++: Windows 8 Metro
Continuation of the previous session.
16:30 – 17:00 Ask the Experts - Q&A

** Please note that times are approximate and meant to be flexible depending on class participation and questions.

Registration is extremely limited. For more information please e-mail info@eps-software.com or call Christopher at 832-717-4445 x 13.

Discounts may be available for companies who have previously attended our classes. Call Christopher for details. Please note that instructors & exact curriculum may change. All sales are final.

Key Take-Aways:

Slide Deck
Source Code
Downloadable recordings of all the sessions
Certificate of Completion
Free CODE Magazine subscription
Discount off of future CODE Training Classes

Class Outline:

C++ Overview
C++ Language Deep-Dive
C++ and its role in modern development
C++ and Windows 8
Ask the Experts / Q&A

Venue Information

Event can be attended either on-site in our Houston offices or remotely via GoToMeeting.

Address is:

CODE Training & EPS Software Corp

6605 Cypresswood Drive, Suite 300

Spring, TX 77379


Phone: 832-717-4445 ext 32

Email: info@eps-software.com