In November 1993, a 19-year-old kid with a dream launched what would become CODE Group. That kid was me. As I mark our 30th anniversary, it's clear that time has left its mark, not just in the form of my graying (and surprisingly longer) hair, but in the growth and evolution of our organization. Back in '93, the internet as we know it was in its infancy, and terms like Google and Meta (Facebook) were yet to be coined. But one thing has remained constant throughout our journey: our commitment to helping people build better software.

CODE Group has expanded over the years, encompassing various divisions. Our core business, from day one, has been consulting and custom software application development through the CODE Consulting division. We've branched out into training, hosting in-person and online events like the popular State of .NET and CODE Presents, partnering with conferences, and providing cutting-edge tools and technology. Our CODE Staffing division is on a mission to revolutionize and disrupt the high-tech staffing industry by fostering a culture of talent development and career progression. And of course, CODE Magazine (now closing in on its 25th year of publication), in your hands right now (or digitally), stands as one of our most visible accomplishments, with a readership in the six digits.

Our journey has been fueled by the dedication of our incredible team, who are not just employees but also friends. Although we've come a long way, we still have many dreams to pursue. With the advent of AI (an area we are very invested in), a new era awaits all of us, and the excitement is palpable.

Developing software is more enjoyable than ever, and we have no plans of slowing down, even as our hair grays further! In CODE Magazine, we'll continue to provide the in-depth articles you've come to expect. In 2024, we'll celebrate the past three decades of the CODE Group, reflecting on the remarkable developments that have shaped our journey. Consider this the kickoff for, “a year of celebrating 30 years of CODE.”

I extend my heartfelt thanks to our dedicated employees, contractors, authors, customers, event attendees, partners, the community, and friends who have joined us on this incredible ride, many of whom have been there from almost the beginning. We're on a great journey together, and I can hardly wait to see where our paths will lead us next.

Markus Egger
Founder, CODE Group & Publisher,
CODE Magazine