Cyber Security

CODE Security experts are experienced in identifying security vulnerabilities in your products, your services and/or your application's architecture. We are committed to our mission of making your company and its applications more resilient against future attacks and threats.

We have assembled a hand-selected team of senior consultants that bring more than a decade of experience to the table. CODE Security consultants can identify critical vulnerabilities in complex applications and application architectures.

What is application security / penetration testing?

Application security / penetration tests uncover security vulnerabilities and provide possible solutions to improve the security posture of a company or application.

CODE Security offers three types of penetration tests:

  • Black-box testing: Refers to testing a system without specific knowledge of the internal workings or architecture of the system and without access to the system’s source code.
  • White-box testing: Also known as clear-box testing, refers to testing a system with complete knowledge of the system including access to the source code and all architecture documents. This full access approach can reveal bugs and vulnerabilities faster than the trial-and-error approach of black-box testing and is therefore the approach CODE Security recommends.
  • Grey-box testing: Refers to testing a system with some information about the system. The information is usually limited to architectural diagrams and design documents. It is a combination of black and white box testing.

CODE Security recommends the white-box testing approach because it leads to a higher vulnerability detection rate and offers more comprehensive testing coverage for our clients.

CODE Security offers these three types of security tests for many applications and services. The following sections detail some of the most commonly performed tests and security services we offer.

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Penetration Testing

A penetration test simulates a real-world attack scenario. This type of testing can help to uncover vulnerabilities and weaknesses within a system or an application in order to expose any serious security issues before a real-world attacker does. CODE Security offers penetration tests for modern applications of any kind, including web applications or mobile apps running on iOS or Android.

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Securing Web Applications and REST APIs Penetration Testing

CODE Security uses web application / REST API penetration tests to uncover vulnerabilities in your web application that a remote attacker may try to exploite.

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Mobile Application Penetration Testing

CODE Security uses mobile application penetration tests to uncover vulnerabilities within the mobile applications that might be exploited by a remote or local attacker in the form of a malicious application running on the same device as the application to be reviewed.

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Code Audits Combined With Penetration Testing

The primary objective when performing a code audit is to identify security vulnerabilities within the design or in the application source code of your product. Remember those tradeoffs years ago of writing secure code vs writing applications quickly? Surprise, this is where choices someone made then might have consequences now. CODE Security recommends doing code audits with the earlier penetration tests because it allows the testers to achieve the highest coverage and identify hard-to-spot weaknesses by combining the dynamic and static testing approaches.

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IoT / Hardware Security

Today’s hyperconnected world faces a completely new threat landscape, as any internet-connected device is potentially vulnerable and subject to attacks and malicious activity.

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AppSec refers to applications of any kind. CODE Security performs security reviews of modern software products including user applications or operating system kernels and hypervisors, in order to discover vulnerabilities and protect your system before attackers exploit those vulnerabilities in the real world.

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Reverse Engineering

CODE Security uses reverse engineering techniques to uncover a piece of software or hardware from it’s executable(s) form in order to understand it’s inner workings, and potentially it’s source code. The typical scenario for this is when the source code is no longer available or when assessing a closed-source project in compiled form.

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