CODE Presents - Online (free event)
EF Core 6: Fulfilling the Bucket List
Julie Lerman
With the latest version of EF Core, we are getting some long awaited features and improvements …many which the EF Core team was thrilled to check off their own buckets lists as well. In this session we’ll dig into some of the most important and interesting of these features such as incredible performance gains for queries and applications with very large models. You’ll learn about work done to simplify customizing mapping conventions and deploy database migrations. And we’ll run through a slew of other important changes to EF Core 6 as well as the EF Core team’s continued commitment to transparency and community.. In this webinar, Julie will highlight the changes she thinks EF Core developers will be interested in.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022 1:00pm ET (UTC-5)
Duration: 75 minutes (approximately)
This event took place on Wednesday, January 12, 2022.
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Julie Lerman
(Author, MVP, and Microsoft RD)
With the latest version of EF Core, we are getting some long awaited features and improvements …many which the EF Core team was thrilled to check off their own buckets lists as well.
- We'll dig into some of the most important and interesting of these features such as incredible performance gains for queries and applications with very large models.
- You'll learn about work done to simplify customizing mapping conventions and deploy database migrations.
- And we'll run through a slew of other important changes to EF Core 6 as well as the EF Core team's continued commitment to transparency and community.
In this webinar, Julie will highlight the changes she thinks EF Core developers will be interested in.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022 1:00pm ET (UTC-5)
Duration: 75 minutes (approximately)