State of .NET - Online (free event)

BUILD Recap and .NET 7 Preview

Markus Egger

This State of .NET Event will take a look at the “State of .NET” in the truest sense. What is going on in .NET 6 and what is on the horizon with .NET 7? How does .NET relate to a variety of topica, such as Azure, Machine Learning, and more? We will also take a look at the most important developments and announcements from Microsoft BUILD 2022.

This event took place on Wednesday, June 1, 2022.

Download Slides

State of .NET 2022 Online - BUILD Recap.pdf

Watch the Video Recording

This State of .NET Event will take a look at the “State of .NET” in the truest sense. What is going on in .NET 6 and what is on the horizon with .NET 7? How does .NET relate to a variety of topics, such as Azure, Machine Learning, and more?

This State of .NET Event takes place after Microsoft BUILD 2022. BUILD is another online event in 2022. As always, BUILD provides an incredible amount of content and we will give you a cliff-notes version of the most important developments and announcements at BUILD.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022 1:00pm ET (UTC-5)
Duration: 75 minutes (approximately)

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