Transitioning Your Existing Access Applications to Access 2007
By now, you’ve almost certainly read about, seen, or experimented with the much-vaunted Office 2007 user interface. The features you hear about most often, like the Ribbon and the Quick Access Toolbar, are aimed at making the Office products more approachable for interactive users. You may know that the Access team has also added a number of features aimed particularly at developers. You can see examples of many of these new features in the sample databases and templates that ship with Access 2007, all of which were designed from the ground up with Access 2007 in mind. What you may not be sure of is how (or whether) an application you developed for a previous version of Access is going to look and work when you first open it in Access 2007. You may also be wondering whether you can make use of these new features without needing to completely revamp your applications.