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State of AI - Generating Real Business Value with AI - Dallas

Join the transformative "State of AI" in-person workshop in Dallas, hosted by the CODE Magazine, tailored for leaders keen to drive real business value using AI. Dive into a packed one-day agenda starting with a keynote from Markus Egger on seamless AI integration for enhancing productivity. Discover common AI pitfalls and learn successful application strategies from Mike Yeager. Engage in a lively speaker panel discussing real-world AI strategies and insights hosted by Laurabeth Barker. The event rounds out with Philipp Bauer's session on advanced AI techniques followed by a technical Q&A panel where you can ask anything. Don't miss this opportunity to turn AI from a buzzword into an essential business tool. Join us to unlock actionable insights and strategies for leveraging AI effectively.

Event Date: 12/10/2024

Event Location: Dallas

Join The Wait List for State of AI - Dallas

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Dietary Needs

Note: We do our best to accommodate dietary needs. Note however that we are at the mercy of our caterers and may or may not be able to satisfy all needs.

Nothing Special




Special Assistance Needs

Note: We do our best to accommodate special needs. To make sure you can attend our event without restriction, we will contact you individually if you indicate you have special needs.




Wheelchair (able to climb stairs)

Wheelchair (immobile)

Wheelchair (unable to climb stairs)

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This event is free.