Event Signup

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Blazor Foundations: Building Your First Full-Stack App

Join us for an in-depth training session with Dr. Otto Dobretsberger, where you'll learn about the integration of Microsoft's Blazor framework, Azure Functions, and Azure SQL Database to build robust, cloud-native web applications. Whether attending on-site at our Houston office or remotely, this course will equip you with the practical skills needed to develop dynamic, scalable full-stack solutions using the latest tools and technologies in the Azure ecosystem.

Event Date: 04/22/2025

Event Location: Houston (or online)

Attendee Information

Please provide information about the attendee you are signing up:

Address (optional)

Attending Location


I would like to attend in-person on-site.


I would like to attend remotely (online).

I am not sure yet

I am not sure yet, whether I want to attend in-person or online. I will communicate my decision later. (Note: Your in-person space will only be reserved when you inform us of your final decision).

Dietary Needs

Note: We do our best to accommodate dietary needs. Note however that we are at the mercy of our caterers and may or may not be able to satisfy all needs.

Nothing Special




Food Allergies

If you have any food allergies, please let us know. We will do our best to accommodate your needs. Note however, that we are at the mercy of our caterers and are not directly responsible for the food provided. If there are any concerns about the food served, please double-check to make sure you can eat the food provided.

Special Assistance Needs

Note: We do our best to accommodate special needs. To make sure you can attend our event without restriction, we will contact you individually if you indicate you have special needs.




Wheelchair (able to climb stairs)

Wheelchair (immobile)

Wheelchair (unable to climb stairs)

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Price Information

1Attendance fee per person$ 1,199.00
1Early bird discount$ -200.00
Total:$ 999.00

Payment Information (Credit Card) American Express Discover Card Master Card VISA

* Note: The credit card address needs to match the address associated with the credit card. This address may be different from the billing address.