In the highly competitive tech industry, where skilled individuals are both the hunters and the hunted, attracting and retaining top-tier talent is akin to finding the Holy Grail. While competitive salaries have been the traditional draw, they are no longer the be-all and end-all. An increasing number of tech companies are focusing on a more holistic approach, offering robust employee benefits packages. These packages don't just cover healthcare; they include a wide range of perks, from retirement plans to dependent care - all fully paid for.

Far from being a simple perk, these comprehensive benefit plans offer both employees and employers numerous strategic advantages.

Figure 1: To retain talented employees, companies need to offer comprehensive benefits
Figure 1: To retain talented employees, companies need to offer comprehensive benefits

Whole-Life Support

Benefits packages that cover medical needs, mental health, retirement planning, and family care indicate that a company cares about its employees beyond their work output. A comprehensive benefits package can provide crucial support for tech workers - who often burn the midnight oil, tackle high-stress tasks, and work under tight deadlines. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), a compelling 92% of employees say benefits are a critical factor in their job satisfaction1.

Talent Attraction: The Benefit Magnet

Attracting the right talent is challenging, especially in today's competitive job market. By fully covering a variety of benefits, employers make their job offers exceptionally attractive. This is especially true for millennials and Generation Z workers, who, according to Glassdoor, often consider the quality of the benefits package as a decisive factor in accepting a job offer2.

The Family Factor: Extending the Circle of Care

While individual benefits are crucial, extending those to dependents is a game-changer. In most cases, work stress is compounded by worries about family. Comprehensive dependent care benefits allow employees to focus fully on their tasks, providing a powerful psychological boost. The rareness of such an offering makes companies that provide it especially attractive to top-tier talent.

Lower Turnover Rates: A Stickiness Factor

Turnover is a significant drain on company resources, from recruitment costs to lost productivity. A robust benefits package is a safety net for employees at high turnover risk. According to Willis Towers Watson, over half of employees would reconsider their decision to leave if their benefits package was improved3.

Figure 2: Why employees leave. Chart courtesy Sharlyn Lauby, HR bartender
Figure 2: Why employees leave. Chart courtesy Sharlyn Lauby, HR bartender

Enhanced Productivity: The Invisible ROI

Less stress about healthcare and family leads to more focus on work, a natural performance boost employers gain when offering comprehensive benefits. While hard to quantify, the productivity gains can be substantial and directly contribute to a company's bottom line.

Boosted Company Image: The Silent Marketer

A company that offers all-inclusive benefits isn't just an attractive workplace; it also becomes a key player in the industry. Word spreads fast, and a reputation for taking care of employees creates a ripple effect that extends to clients, customers, and partners. This reputational capital can't be bought but can be earned, serving as a silent yet effective form of marketing.

Long-Term Cost Savings: The Fiscal Prudence

While providing extensive benefits may appear costly upfront, the long-term gains can far outweigh the initial expenditure. The equation is simple: Lower turnover equals reduced recruitment and training costs. Improved productivity means more gets done, more efficiently, adding tangible value to the organization. Finally, benefits costs are consistently less cost than a higher base salary.

The Final Word: A Strategic Imperative, Not a Luxury

Offering a comprehensive, fully-paid benefits package, including dependent coverage, is no longer a “nice-to-have” perk in the tech industry - it's a “must-have.” A strategically designed benefits package enriches employees' personal and professional lives and provides a range of tangible and intangible benefits for employers. In the fiercely competitive arena for tech talent, a fully covered, wide-ranging benefits package is not just icing on the cake; it's a non-negotiable ingredient for success.


  1. Society for Human Resource Management. “2019 Employee Benefits Survey.”
  2. Glassdoor. “Employment Confidence Survey, Q1 2020.”
  3. Willis Towers Watson. “Global Benefits Attitudes Survey 2019.”