Async Programming in JavaScript
Last updated: Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2024 - May/June
Sahil Malik discusses the importance of asynchronous programming in JavaScript due to the increasing complexity of software and the need for non-blocking code. He explores different techniques such as callbacks, promises, XHR, async/await, and workers to achieve non-blocking code. The article provides code examples and demonstrates how each technique affects the user interface. The author concludes by emphasizing the importance of learning and utilizing these asynchronous patterns in JavaScript to create more maintainable and efficient code.
Asynchronous Pattern Redux for XAML Developers
Last updated: Monday, July 26, 2021
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2015 - May/June
By providing the history of asynchronous and await patterns, Bill examines the benefits of using these techniques in developing new apps and when it comes to the maintenance or revision of legacy code.