2021 - March/April
In the lead article, Wei-Meng Lee introduces you to containerization using Docker educating you about what it is, why it's used, how it works and how to leverage it in your next development project. Sahil Malik follows up on the containerization theme with his article about deploying a real-world ExpressJS application. Also in this issue, Julie Lerman explores how to access EF Core 5's metadata and Jason Beres takes a look at the hand-off process between designers & developers and how to improve it. That's just a start. Check out the entire issue for much more...
Keeping the Creative Fires Lit
Rod looks at how a new project or tool can spark new interest in getting your work done.
Deploy a Real-World ExpressJS TypeScript Application Using Containers
Learn to deploy a real-world ExpressJS TypeScript application using containerization. Deploy both the application and the database as two separate containers.
Using Ajax and REST APIs in.NET 5
In this article, create a .NET 5 Web server to service Web API calls coming from any Ajax front-end. You also learn to create an MVC Web application and a Node server to serve up Web pages from which you make Ajax calls to the .NET 5 Web server.
Eliminating Waste During Designer-to-Developer Handoff
Improve how teams move from front-end UI/UX experience created for users, to the developers who will write code to make it work. Create clear specs, usability testing, use low-code to design and improve collaboration and communication. If you’ve ever been part of a development team, you’ve experienced the disconnection that designers sometimes seem to have from how things get built. Jason shows how to make it better.
Tapping into EF Core’s Pipeline
Julie describes new EF Core 5 metadata features and how to use them, including ToQueryString, DbCloggerCategory, DbContext.SavingChanges, DbContext.SavedChanges, DbContext.SaveChangesFailed, Dotnet-counters, ChangeTracker.DebugView and Model.DebugView.
Introduction to Containerization Using Docker
Wei-Meng explains how Docker Engine replaces virtual machines with containers to host the apps and libraries you need, completely independent of which OS you’re using. Docker is written to run natively on the Linux platform. If you're using Windows or Mac OS, Docker creates a Linux virtual machine, which itself hosts the containers.
The Complete Guide to Vue 3 Plug-ins: Part 2
Bilal shows you how to create custom Vue 3 plug-ins to reuse common functionality from one app to another.
Migrating Monolithic Apps to Multi-Platform Product Lines with .NET 5
Learn to migrate older applications to .NET 5. Learn to use "ports-and-adapters" (hexogonal architecture) along with design patterns and principles from domain-driven design (DDD) to help you modify your old software so you can split the business logic into independent assemblies.