2020 - July/August
As the Coronavirus Crisis continues, we also keep soldiering on! Our current issue, while still not available in print, is packed with information. In fact, we added an extra 8 pages of content! We lead off with an article about using Amazon (AWS) Lambdas to host ASP.NET Core apps. We cover the MVVM Pattern in MVC Core. We talk about Identity and Security. We take a look at what’s new in Vue 3, and much more!
Managed Identity
Learn to use Managed identity in Azure Active Directory to minimze the number of passwords you need. Learn to use managed identities to access Microsoft Graph.
Use the MVVM Design Pattern in MVC Core: Part 2
In a MVC Core application using an MVVM design pattern, learn to sort data when a user clicks on a column header in an HTML table. Learn to add a pager to limit the number of rows displayed on a page. Learn to cache data in the Session object to improve performance.
Transform Your ASP.NET Core API into AWS Lambda Functions
Learn how to move an Existing ASP.NET Core API to a Serverless Application Model (SAM) application which is a form of AWS Lambda Functions.
Power Query: Excel’s Hidden Weapon
Helen talks about how to use Power Query, a tool that's part of Excel and Power BI that enables you to automate the ETL process of bringing data into Excel. Learn to create an elegant ETL process in Power Query to first bring in the data, then later refresh it with a single button
Vue 3: The Changes
Shawn Wildermuth reviews new features in the early beta of Vue 3, including: conversion to TypeScript to improve the type interface; the switch to using the Virtual DOM for overall performance improvements, improvements for Vue users using WebPack (or similar solutions).
Stages of Data: A Playbook for Analytic Reporting Using COVID-19 Data
Kevin uses Power BI mapping to track a constantly changing array of data about the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn how pick the right data; it doesn't all come from just a few sources.
Using a Scripting Language to Develop Native Windows WPF GUI Apps
Vassili Kaplan describes how using CSCS (Customized Scripting in C#) can save time creating WPF applications.
Talk to an RD: Tiberiu Covaci and Markus Egger
Tiberiu and Markus talk about what’s new and what’s coming with Azure, including Tibi's "five things everyone should know about Azure".