Listing Processes Running on a Computer
Last updated: Monday, April 25, 2022
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2013 - September/October
I have a client that has a few Windows Services and some EXEs that run on a computer to perform various business functions. Every once in a while, the processes fail and need to be restarted. I helped the client write a Windows Service to monitor their running processes and ensure that they are up and running and to notify them and to attempt to restart those processes. As part of this process, I had to write a class to get a list of all of the processes running on the current computer or on another computer on their network.
LINQ to XML Instead of a Database
Last updated: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2012 - September/October
When people think of having to store data for their applications, a database such as SQL Server immediately comes to mind. However, XML files are very handy for storing data without the overhead of a database. Using XML files to cache often-used, but seldom changed data such as US state codes, employee types and other validation tables can avoid network roundtrips and speed up your application. In addition, XML files are great for off-line applications where a user needs to add, edit and delete data when they can’t connect to a database.
Getting Started with RavenDB
Last updated: Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2012 - March/April
You might have heard some things about NoSQL; how Google and Facebook are using non-relational databases to handle their load. And in most cases, this is where it stopped. NoSQL came about because scaling relational databases is somewhere between extremely hard to impossible.
Ask the Doc Detective
Last updated: Thursday, May 12, 2022
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2011 - May/June
Finding what you need in the Microsoft® Visual Studio® documentation, which has over 200,000 topics, can be a daunting task. The Doc Detective is here to help, utilizing his investigative skills to probe the depths of the documentation.
Declarative Data Parallelism Using Parallel LINQ
Last updated: Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2011 - January/February
Applications can be single threaded or multithreaded. A single-threaded application is one in which the processor executes threads in a sequence, i.e., a thread would be scheduled by the operating system only if the execution of the currently running thread is complete. This approach doesn’t provide much system throughput (a measure of the amount of work done in unit time).
Practical Uses of Lambdas
Last updated: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2010 - January/February
Deborah covers many of the different ways you can use lambda expressions to work with your lists and make your code easier to read and write.Lambdas provide shortcuts for sorting, filtering, finding and working with information in lists, making your code easier to read and write.
Data Access Options in Visual Studio 2008
Last updated: Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2008 - September/October
With Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5, developer’s data access options have increased substantially. In addition to using ADO.NET to create DataReaders or DataSets, Microsoft has added LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework as well as ADO.NET Data Services, which leverages those two. In addition to these new options, there are new syntaxes to learn. LINQ, which is built into Visual Basic and C#, has one implementation for LINQ to SQL and another for LINQ to Entities. In Entity Framework, you have the option to use LINQ to Entities as well as two other ways of querying with Entity SQL, as you can see in Figure 1.
MVP Corner: A Baker’s Dozen of Reflections
Last updated: Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2008 - July/August
July August 2008 MVP Corner by Kevin S. Goff
Sharpening Your Axis with Visual Basic 9
Last updated: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2008 - July/August
Visual Basic 9 in Visual Studio 2008 has a new set of language features that allows developers to work with XML in a much more productive way using a new API called LINQ to XML. LINQ stands for Language Integrated Query and it allows you to write queries for things like objects, databases, and XML in a standard way. Visual Basic provides deep support for LINQ to XML through what’s called XML literals and XML axis properties. These features allow you to use a familiar, convenient syntax for working with XML in your Visual Basic code. LINQ to XML is a new, in-memory XML programming API specifically designed to leverage the LINQ framework. Even though you can call the LINQ APIs directly, only Visual Basic allows you to declare XML literals and directly access XML axis properties. This article will help you master these new features for working with XML in Visual Basic.
The Baker’s Dozen: 13 Tips for Building Database Web Applications Using ASP.NET 3.5, LINQ, and SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
Last updated: Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2008 - May/June
Are you moving a Windows desktop application to the browser, and sweating bullets, or perhaps just not quite sure about how all the new Web and data tools work together?With each passing year, Microsoft offers newer and more powerful tools for building rich database applications on the Web. So many and so frequently, in fact, that it can be hard to keep up with the new tools and still meet the requirements of your job! This article will show you how to get the most out of the new features in ASP.NET 3.5. The article will also show how you can use features in LINQ, even if you only use stored procedures for data access. And finally, since most applications use reporting, I’ll throw in a few nuggets on using SQL Server Reporting Services.
C# 3.0 Syntax Additions-Design Guidelines
Last updated: Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2008 - January/February
C# 3.0 includes a few syntactical additions to the language. For the most part, Microsoft added these language additions to support Language Integrated Query (LINQ). These features include (but are not limited to) lambda expressions, extensions methods, anonymous types, implicitly typed local variables, automatic properties, and object initializers.
Heard on .NET Rocks! Don Demsak on LINQ to XML
Last updated: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2008 - January/February
In episode #271 of .NET Rocks! (www.dotnetrocks.com) Richard and I spoke with Don Demsak about LINQ to XML. Here’s an excerpt from that interview.
Visual Basic and Respect
Last updated: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2008 - January/February
Ken Getz Jan/Feb 08 FInalize article.
Browsing Windows Live Expo with LINQ to XML
Last updated: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Published in: CODE Focus Magazine: 2007 - Vol. 4 - Issue 3 - Data Programability
LINQ to XML, which makes query a first class construct in C# and Visual Basic, is the new XML API in the .NET Framework 3.5. With the introduction of Language Integrated Query (LINQ), Microsoft is introducing LINQ implementations that work over objects, data, and XML. LINQ to XML improves on System.Xml in the .NET Framework 2.0 by being both simpler to use and more efficient. Microsoft developed this new API because the W3C-based DOM API does not integrate well into the LINQ programming model.
LINQ to Relational Data: Who’s Who?
Last updated: Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Published in: CODE Focus Magazine: 2007 - Vol. 4 - Issue 3 - Data Programability
With the combined launch of Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008, Microsoft is introducing five implementations of .NET Language Integrated Query (LINQ).Of these five implementations, two specifically target access to relational databases: LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entities.
Rich Query for DataSet- An Introduction to LINQ to DataSet
Last updated: Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Published in: CODE Focus Magazine: 2007 - Vol. 4 - Issue 3 - Data Programability
For years developers have been asking for query over data contained in a DataSet in a way that supports the expressiveness needed by today’s data-centric .NET applications. As part of the .NET framework 3.5, Microsoft® will introduce support for a technology called Language Integrated Query (LINQ), and with this introduction, an implementation of LINQ to DataSet.
TESLA: Democratizing the Cloud
Last updated: Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Published in: CODE Focus Magazine: 2007 - Vol. 4 - Issue 3 - Data Programability
In our service-oriented world, users need the same experience on any device, whether mobile phone, office PC, or Internet café. Moreover, they want the same experience any time they access applications, offline or online. For developers, this means tackling multi-tier, distributed, and concurrent programming. LINQ 1.0 radically simplified multi-tier programming with unified query and deep XML support. TESLA is a broad engineering program by the authors to extend the success of LINQ with external relationships, reshaping combinators, assisted tier-splitting, and join patterns.
Guilty Pleasures and LINQ
Last updated: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2007 - November/December
Nov/Dec 2007 .Finalize Column() Ken Getz
LINQ to Entities with Erik Maijer
Last updated: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2007 - November/December
In show #270 Richard and I talked to Erik Meijer from Microsoft about LINQ. In this excerpt we talk about LINQ to Entities.
The Baker’s Dozen: A 13-Step Crash Course for Using LINQ
Last updated: Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2007 - July/August
How many software tasks DON’T involve reading through data? Answer: very few. Developers work all the time with database data, XML data, DataSets, collections, lists, and arrays-all with different syntax and functionality for each one. Developers who write T-SQL code often covet set-based language statements when they work against other types of data. Additionally, developers who have coded against strongly-typed custom collections wish they could write SQL database queries with IntelliSense. Language Integrated Query (LINQ), a set of extensions to the .NET Framework for the next version of Visual Studio codename “Orcas”, brings the promise of integrated and uniform query capabilities to increase developer productivity when working with different types of data. While LINQ is a large topic worthy of books, this edition of The Baker’s Dozen will provide a crash course to learn what’s under the LINQ hood.
Chapter 4 - LINQ to Objects
Last updated: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Published in: Book Excerpts
This excerpt is from the book >NET 4.0 Generics Beginner's Guide authored by Sudipta Mukherjee.ISBN 1849690782, Copyright 2012, Release Date January 2012. For more info, please visit the publisher site http://www.packtpub.com/net-generics-4-0-beginners-guide/book .
Chapter 8
Last updated: Friday, February 22, 2019
Published in: Book Excerpts
C# is an evolving language. This chapter looks at the new features added into C# 4.0 that combine to improve code readability and extend your ability to leverage LINQ to Object queries over dynamic data sources. The examples in this chapter show how to improve the coding model for developers around reading data from various sources, including text files and how to combine data from a COM-Interop source into a LINQ to Objects query.
LINQ Succinctly - Chapter 1: LINQ Fundamentals
Last updated: Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Published in: Book Excerpts, Newsletters
LINQ speeds up coding and database queries in C#. This guide takes us through the concepts and practical use.