2016 - November/December
F#! - Box up your Microservices with F#! We close out 2016 topics with a look at languages - from the Resurgence of XAML to Data Science using Python, Swiftly moving from Objective-C, Angular and more.
Rod visits Japan, where an apprenticeship of 10 years might lead to being qualified for only the most basic of tasks. How committed are YOU to your craft, he asks?
The Journey to Angular: Part 4
Paul continues his deep dive into AngularJS. This time, he adds validation to the page so you can spot input errors.
Angular 2 Forms
Sahil continues his series on Angular 2 and this time, looks at that essential element, the form.
Moving Forward: The Transition from Objective-C to Swift
If you’ve been paying attention to programming trends, you’ll see that Swift, Apple’s new language, is gaining popularity at an impressive rate. You don’t have to toss out everything you already know, though, as Jason helps you see Swift’s similarities to Objective-C.
The Resurgence of XAML
Microsoft seemed to have put XAML out to pasture for a while, but Billy shows us how it’s back, and why even Microsoft is touting its praises.
Case Study: Writing Microservices with F#
If you’re lucky enough to be involved in building a new enterprise system, you’ll want to check this out. Rachel takes a look at how the company where she works made some interesting—and forward-looking—decisions, and she shows us the benefits of microservices while she’s at it.
Introduction to Data Science using Python
If you’re curious about Data Science or Python—and if you’re interested in the Internet of Things, you should be—you’ll find this introduction both important and exciting. Wei-Meng makes it all clear for us by explaining the basics.
Azure Skyline: Using WebJobs for Event-Driven, Asynchronous Services
If your call to services times out after four minutes, you can have a problem if the process needed to retrieve the data or a fire-and-forget operation takes longer than that. What if the user makes a request and then wanders away from the computer? Mike solves it for you, with WebJobs in Azure Skyline.
On Strong Teams
Ted takes a look at what it takes to make a team successful--is there a magic formula?