Connecting Your Windows8 Apps to Facebook or Twitter with OAuth
If your users access your apps through social media, you’ll want to know all about OAuth. Michiel van Otegem shows you that you can connect with ease and speed by using this protocol.
Connecting Your Windows 8 Apps to Facebook or Twitter with OAuth
If your users access your apps through social media, you’ll want to know all about OAuth. Michiel shows us that we can connect with ease and speed by using this protocol.
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Virtual Earth 101
I read somewhere that nearly 80% of all data has some location-related aspect to it. Where are orders being shipped to, where are flood plains located and what rainfall amount are problematic for them, where are vendors and/or customers located, delivery routes, GPS tracking, where are voting districts located, where are the best hospitals located, where are the sales regions that produce the most revenue, and so on. It is highly likely that a significant portion of the data you work with has a location related aspect to it. Visually presenting this information could lead to better management decisions or possibly uncovering trends that were not evident before. It is important then that this information be presented using a location oriented approach. That is where Microsoft Virtual Earth fits in.
The Baker’s Dozen: 13 Miscellaneous C#, SQL, and Business Intelligence Development Tips
No, the title isn’t a misprint-this installment of the Baker’s Dozen will visit both sides of the planet. These days, many .NET user group meetings focus on database and business intelligence topics as well as hardcore .NET content. Over the last several months, I’ve spent roughly half my time modifying my own development framework for WCF. The result is some basic but functional factory classes I’d like to share. The other half of the time, I’ve been looking at different capabilities in the SQL Server 2005 and 2008 Business Intelligence stack, and solving requirements that BI developers often face. So rather than pick one side and make the other side wait two months, I decided to combine the two.
Handling Business-Related Date Tasks in T-SQL
If you’ve ever needed to calculate the start of the new business quarter, adjust for Daylight Savings Time across multiple regions, or wondered where to host this logic, John’s article is for you.How many times have you found yourself in need of knowing what the next or previous business date is?What about the dates when a particular quarter begins and ends? Have you had to handle the thorny issue of daylight savings time (DST); when does DST begin and end for this or another year in the US, UK or some other region? And finally, once you have determined you have a need to calculate these various date values, where do you host that logic? This article answers those questions.
ASP.NET MVC 4 Highlights - Part 2: Bundling and Minification
Using the MVC tool to streamline your work
Introduction to C# Applications
This excerpt is from the book, ‘C# 2010 for Programmers, 4th Edition’ By Paul J. Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel, Published Oct 29, 2010 by Prentice Hall. Part of the Deitel Developer Series . ISBN 13: 978-0-13-261820-5, Copyright 2011. For more info please visit the publisher site: http://www.informit.com/store/product.aspx?isbn=0132618206
SharePoint Content Database Performance
My clients are lucky. I have walked in the door and within a week, with no hardware changes, they saw their SharePoint installations running 400 percent faster than before. I know that’s a tall claim, but as a consultant with very wide exposure, I can say with some confidence that most SharePoint installations’ databases do not get the attention they deserve. Maybe it is a disciplinary thing, DBAs are usually not SharePoint experts, and SharePoint experts are usually not DBAs, so the poor SharePoint SQL Server is left alone to suffer under its default settings.
AngularJS Jumpstart
Shawn tells us how to use your browser (and those of your customers) as rich clients without plug-ins or ActiveX objects.
Synchronizing Databases Using Microsoft Sync Framework
If you’ve got multiple data stores, you have to keep them synced or you’ve got trouble on your hands. Joydip makes it look easy using Sync Framework.
Working with iText for PDFs
You’ve probably worked with PDFs. Did you know that you can create great interactive documents, like sign-in screens or usage agreement screens? John shows you how.
More Git
Sahil demonstrates more features of Git, this time covering Stash, using remote effectively to improve collaboration, forking and merging (the happy path), triangular workflow (using upstream) and managing/resolving conflicts.
Life Lessons for Developers
Rod’s keynote speech was an opportunity to look back at how he got here.
Security and Same Origin Policies
Just when you’re thinking that you have this whole security thing covered, Sahil pokes a large hole in a common perception.
Simplifying ADO.NET Code in .NET 6: Part 3
In the first two articles, you learned how to retrieve data using a set of wrapper classes. This time, Paul’s going to show you how to modify tables, perform transactions, validate data annotations, and add exception handling.
Dependency Injection and Service Container in Laravel
Bilal infuses some dependency injection into web applications with PHP Laravel. You’ll want to learn all about it to keep your code clear and uncluttered.
NOT USED - Synchronizing the In-Browser Database with the Server
Craig shows you how to gracefully resolve conflicts and synchronization issues with disconnected databases.
CODE: Five Years Ago
Markus finishes his 30-year look at life as a developer with a look at the last five years.
Using Scripting for Working with SQL Server in C#
Once upon a time, you had to write separate code for each operating system. Vassili shows you how easy it’s gotten by using Scripting in C# to achieve multi-platform results in SQL Server.
This is a test article to be deleted later
This is my cool abstract.
Legal Notes: Potpourri
John takes a look at the legalities of writing software, including Facebook’s Licensing scheme, a new data regulation, copyright enforcement, and more.
TEST Title
Test Abstract
Another test...?!?!
Yet another test, are you kidding me?!?!